Organist / Choir Director -
Paulette LaBarre
Ministry of Music -
Mission Statement
To worship God through music and experience with others the power of music and
faith to build community.
Your listening to to track
7, "Goin' up the Mountain"

The First Church Choir sings two anthems every Sunday; extended works are
presented on holy days.
Rehearsals are on Thursday nights from 6:00pm to 7:30pm in the choir room.
All are welcome!
Joyful Noyse sings the 4th Sunday of every month. Instruments, sound
tracks, and movement are incorporated as appropriate. Rehearsals are on Sunday
at 11:15am in the Sanctuary. On the fourth Sunday of the month, rehearsal is at
Ages 5 and up are welcome!
Choir - Consists of two octaves of handbells and two octaves of
handchimes. The choir rehearses Sunday afternoons at 2:30 PM except for Sundays
when participating in the service. On those Sundays the choir rehearses at 9:00
AM, before the service. This choir encourages those in high school or older to
join. No prior handbell experience is required.
It is the intention of all the choirs to use
the gift of music for enhancement
of our worship of God and enrichment of our lives.
The Ministry of Music at First Congregational Church welcomes you!
"I will praise the name of God with a song" Psalm 69:30